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Sisters may have to deal with this before the menstrual period when at the age of 20, 30, 40

A healthy lifestyle is important to the sisters to escape the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Up to 85% of women experience at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) during the week before their menstrual cycle, for example, the appearance of acne, fatigue, chest pain, headaches and even depression.

Due to the amount of the hormone should change the severity of the symptoms often vary, (especially when you many years). At the same time due to the estrogen and progesterone levels naturally, fluctuate according to the age of the symptoms that you experience also tend to fluctuate up or down under.

Up to 85% of women experience at least one symptom of premenstrual syndrome.

Below is the share of Fenske, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, in New York City to my sister knows the signs of PMS at the age of 20, 30 and 40.

At the age of 20

Doctor Fenske said: "PMS tend to become worse when the woman in the period of reproductive age due to hormonal fluctuations or only during this time. Now I still don't have the answer explains why some women do have these negative symptoms than others or why only about 3-8% of women suffering from premenstrual disorder (PMDD).

In 20 years, a lot of people have in common the habit of Eating sleeping swings and lazy to exercise. Bad habits are all adding to the symptoms of PMS makes you more tired and uncomfortable.

PMS tends to become worse when the woman in the period of reproductive age.

If you are over the age of 20 but not having the symptoms of PMS too worse then perhaps you are applying contraceptive measures. Women in their 20s often tend to focus more on jobs and growth, and they rarely think to have children. For this reason, many people rely on hormone-based contraceptive methods like the pill or using rods implanted contraceptives. "These methods will prevent ovulation and the menstrual cycle in nature are taking place in your body, this reduces or eliminates the symptoms of PMS," Fenske said.

At the age of 30, the PMS symptoms tend to decrease

Women over the age of 30 can have fewer symptoms of PMS and will no longer suffer the abdominal pain or severe dizziness.

Dr. Fenske said: "the majority of women over the age of 30 have become mothers. Pregnancy and for breastfeeding may help reduce the symptoms of PMS. The pregnancy will do stop ovulation and menstrual phenomenon, the result is that you will not encounter the symptoms of PMS.

Women over the age of 30 can have fewer symptoms of PMS.

However, for a small number of another sister, age 30 is about the worst time when faced with PMS. For example, in the case if you used contraceptive by hormones at the age of 20 years and then you quit smoking on 30 years to have children, then the balance of natural hormones in the body can completely be fluctuations in the period between When using contraceptive measures and before conceiving, leading to the symptoms of PMS.

After age 40

Although the symptoms of PMS in years at the age of 40 you may be similar like what you experienced when you in 30 years but the symptoms can become worse because you are about to menopause (about 5-10 years before menopause actually happened. The average age when women on menopause are 51).

In General, in this age of any premenstrual symptoms you've ever encountered are aggravated in the level, such as the menstrual cycle may be erratic due to the hormone intake should be reduced.

Dr. Fenske said: "If a woman doesn't have a history of PMS and suddenly started same symptoms as PMS at the age of 40, the more likely that person will start the perimenopausal period earlier than usual.

In this age of any premenstrual symptoms you've ever encountered are in severity.

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